Thursday, February 19, 2009

Took a Sickie

Mainly I'm just light-headed, but I really didn't fancy walking to the T in the rain this morning when I'm so woozy. A co-worker was out for two days with vertigo, (and it was one of my boss's symptoms too), so I know it's not unusual, it's just weird. It's kind of like when I was super doped up after my surgery, but more lucid.

I had a huge breakfast of two "bacon" sandwiches and tea this morning before napping on the couch. I don't know what to do about lunch since I'm home though. Maybe I'll skip it (or have Spouse make me something.)

I had orange juice for lunch.

Dinner was seitan and carmelized onions in sauce over noodles and garlic sauteed sprouts. And I did a steamed pudding with custard for dessert.


edrie said...

poor dear - isn't that a weird one - a flu with vertigo - people here have had that too, I've missed that one (so far and crossing my fingers)

Are you better or worse, best stay home another day!

Teru said...

I did stay home another day, but more in a "just to be on the safe side (I want more sleep)" way.

Martin and I both had headaches to with the vertigo, which leads me to believe that it's not 'flu, but a contagious brain tumor.