Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Back to the routine

The weekend away was nice, but it's so good to be home! I started my work week off with a perfectly boiled egg (yay!) with buttered toast from last night's bread, a sliced orange and tea with soy milk and sugar. I wish I could have had more tea, but I was running a little late. Still, I am determined to keep up this breakfast thing, so I made the effort to not only prepare everything, but sit down and eat it, rather than snatching bites while running around. Spouse thinks I'm already looking thinner (but I've "fallen to the Communists" so he doesn't want to piss me off.)

This week was going to be the week I brought my lunch in every day, but since I didn't grocery shop after we got in yesterday, I don't really have the food to do that. That goal may have to wait until next week. So I think this week's goal will be a cleaning one (yuck.) I refuse to go whole hog on it right away (and Spouse says he should be cleaning more since he's home), but I think vowing to spend five minutes picking up and/or sorting things in the bedroom every day will help. Our closet is in a hell of a state, but it feels like too much to take one so I just do nothing. If I can manage five minutes, even if it's hardly noticeable, by the tend of one week things should start to look a little more tidy in there.

I gorged myself on a huge lunch today. They had tofu cordon bleu (spinach and swiss on tofu, actually) with brown rice and summer squash. I added a little greener from the salad bar, PLUS a cup of corn chowder. OINK!

Dinner will be (when spouse comes home, or in the next 10 minutes for me, which ever comes first) "meat" loaf, roasted potatoes and carrots, broccoli, gravy. And beer.

I made the bed and picked up clothes in the bedroom for 10 minutes while watching a video tonight. I think I now see a purpose to 'Sabrina the Teenaged Witch' as it was a nice, fluffy background and made what I was doing go faster. I could have done more, but I was afraid I would start on the closet and things would get ugly. I think tomorrow, if I don't have to go to class (I may be a TA again), I'll move the suitcases and grab some of the closet gunk and go through it. So much of this stuff needs to be sorted to get rid of. I'm not going to throw anything in the trash, but I need to see what I will wear, what I can give to the Goodwill and what need to go in a fabric bag. This will be a multi-sorting venture, but I've got to start sometime.


edrie said...

even 5 minutes helps!!!! I try to do that every day even if I just manage to wipe my own tooth paste off the sink

Teru said...

It's getting myself to do even that 5 minutes that's been the problem. I see it all as ONE HUGE JOB rather than something that can be chipped away at. But setting myself this task should help not only with the chipping away, but make spouse A LOT happier too. He HATES what a pit the bedroom is!

edrie said...

small steps
turtle and the Haire
it takes a village


Teru said...

I did 10 minutes of cleaning!!! And that was after shopping and prepping dinner!

edrie said...

You inspired me this morning to do the dishes (which seemed overwhelming because there were so many) but I said to myself - K is doing 5 minutes a day, I can do this. And you know what - it took 8 minutes to wash all of them - and I feel better!