Thursday, January 14, 2010

Does having a salad for dessert count as cheating?

And does the mozzarella on the salad make a difference?

Last night I managed 42 minutes on the Wii Fit, 30 of it on the island cycle (basically stepping up and down on the board). It made me really wish I wasn't so afraid to ride a bike. I didn't learn to ride until I was 18 and then only rode in Vermont. The last time I was on a bike was back in Burlington, VT and I was TERRIFIED! That's what over 10 years of not riding will do (and time in Boston where I've known many people hit while riding). Maybe when the weather gets warmer I'll look into bringing my bike down to the nice path by the water, or riding around the river. It's going to be getting my bike there and back though that will be the challenge!

On the food front, I forgot my lunch again. Feh! It's the last of the potato soup and really needs to be eaten. I've had soup every day since I made a big batch of broth when I came home from England. I tend to make a large batch so we can have soup for several meals so in the past week I've only made three soups: vegetable bean, potato leek, and lentil. The lentil probably has one more meal left, that is unless Spouse finishes it off today. I'm at a loss as to what to make next. Maybe a garlic soup?

With the soups we've been having bread, salad, usually with fresh mozzarella, and the occasional bit it broccoli. I still need to train Spouse in bread baking as it would make it much easier for me to prep things and just leave it to rise when I go to work and have him kneed, shape and bake during the day. However, since I haven't managed that yet (he has been ever so helpful by cleaning the kitchen during the day though!) I'll be mixing the dough tonight from the sponge I made up last night. The full day of ripening should do wonderful things for the flavour!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I really have a hard time making the time for exercise. The one time I was able to lose weight without some sort of diet was when I was unemployed and made a point of walking for an hour a day. This time I'm not exercising just to lose weight, but more importantly to get stronger.

Fortunately I have the Wii Fit now which makes moving my body around like a dork actually enjoyable (I do like long walks too, but it's too cold now for that). I've managed two 30 minute sessions on it this week and am shooting for a total of four. Eventually I'd like to be able to do it every day, but it always feels like it takes too much time (although what else I'd do with that 30 minutes I don't know.)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Remember me?

I had a good breakfast this morning. My doc reminded me that I really should eat breakfast every day. She said it was okay if I couldn't face more food to just have fruit. Now I just need to remember that I do in fact have fruit in the house!. Brekkies today was scrambled eggs with the broccoli left over from dinner and a bit of parmesan (less than 1/2 oz), plus tea with soy milk. I even remembered to take my enormous multivitamin that I need to bite into thirds to get down.

Lunch will be the leftover potato leek soup (which I didn't have last night because I was full from the starters) and a Tofurkey and spinach sandwich with Branston pickle on homemade bread.