Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It feels like Spring

I know it's going to get cold and snow again (it is only February after all) but it's still a nice change.

Boring breckie of granola with yoghurt, grapefruit, juice and tea this morning. The juice tasked off, but maybe I just keep expecting it to taste like orange juice when it's really orange and tangerine. It will be another late night on campus for me as I'm attending the class tonight. I may eat on campus before going home.

Nothing exciting in the refectory for lunch today. They had macaroni and cheese, but I tried it once and it was HORRIBLE. So I went for green beans and wheat berries from the hot side and salad with a hard boiled egg and some sesame dressing for cold. And more water.

Yup, crap after class. Snacked on veggie sushi before and had a "grilled cheese" (warmed, not melted cheese, cold slab of tomato on bread that had clearly been browned in a panini press) and a couple of fries and a beer while standing up in the PACKED student pub.

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