Tuesday, February 17, 2009

May be coming down with something

Spouse has been feeling run down, headachey and chilled for a few days now. This afternoon, I started to feel like I've been hit with something as well. Yuck! At least I'll get my section over with tonight and not have to worry about that for a week.

Dinner last night:
Vegetable soup and bread

fake bacon sandwich on homemade bread
Ubiquitous Tea

Veggie lasagna
chocolate pudding

soup and grilled cheese and "bacon" sandwiches


50sgal said...

I see you live in Boston (we just moved back this past year after a few years there) and hubby and I are both getting what you desribed. Actually, he is almost done with his and I am still lingering in the midst of coughing an such, yuck. Good ole' New England in late winter, what do I expect, right?

Teru said...

Especially with the temperature going up and down so drastically the way it has over the past few weeks! My boss was completely laid out for almost a week with 'flu.