Thursday, February 05, 2009

It's Thursday already?

The cat messed up the alarm again, but provided his own alarm by meowing at the bedroom door at 6:20, so I did at least get up. Had two small glasses of juice this morning, one while making breakfast and one with it. Breakfast was a boiled egg (my Tuesday and Thursday thang); two slices of toast, one with butter, one with jam; half grapefruit and the ubiquitous tea.

Lunchies was a nice salad with some pasta and a sesame dressing and two slices of left over "meat" loaf. I've had two bottles of water so far today.

I was really not in to cleaning tonight. Bought some yarn to darn the sweater I was wearing today (I looked like the fattest Dickensian urchin ever) and just wanted to try that (failed, but more on the other blog when I get around to it). Did a few dishes and started some bread and went in to the bedroom armed with more 'Alfred Hitchcock Presents' to just get those damned five minutes over with. Before I started, Spouse came home with flowers for me. Awww! Flowers and smootchies gave me the fortitude to clean for 15 minutes instead of 5.

Finished last night's soup for dinner and there's a Quorn roast and bread in the oven. I'll probably have a small Quorn sandwich on the last of Monday's bread to round out the evening. Also finishing a beer.

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