Friday, January 23, 2009

The Goal

I've been so inspired by Destination 1940 and her slowly incorporating new tasks in each week. While this doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to turn into a great housekeeper (how can I make the bed in the morning when there's someone still in it?), it does give me hope for incorporating little changes into my life to instill new good habits.

She actually began her new habits with the bedmaking, but since I can't really do that unless spouse gets a job that gets him up and out at the same time as me, I'm going to follow her Week Two Mission to prepare and serve breakfast.

Part of the reason I struggle with weight may be do to sporadic eating patterns (says the woman who had lunch at 2:00 today). They say* that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but I generally am in a rush in the morning and half the time just cannot face solids at that hour. But I've had a few breakfasts at home lately, and it's really helped get me through the morning without reaching for a snack at 10:30. My first week will begin on Monday. Weekends may be modified a bit as that's when I like to catch up on all the sleep I'm not getting during the week (maybe sleep should be a goal?), so it may be modified to brunch.

So this is my new small goal for myself. Others will be added (mainly food and exercise-related, but perhaps the occasional bit of housework as well) as the weeks go on. I have some more things I'd like to do, but am loathe to put them in print right now. I am having a hard time with my Grand Goals, so I'm just going to stick with wee ones for now.

*(don't They always say? Will They ever shut it?)


edrie said...

I started to gain weight the minute we started traveling alot for shows because I didn't eat on a regular schedule and I always ate too close to going to sleep - I think your plan is a great one. I'm doing my best to do that same thing!

Teru said...

The hard part of this plan for me is that I will have to plan meals and I really hate doing that. Yet, I've managed to come u with 5 days of breakfasts so far, and now just need to go out to the co-op and shop