Monday, March 02, 2009

Not quite a snow day

I waited until after 7:00 to get ready for work, by which time the bosses had already emailed to say they were staying home Got dressed, but the hair up in victory roll (and the snood does not stay on o well with half the amount of hair in it) and checked email one last time before heading out. School opening is delayed until noon. Like I'm going to be in any mood to leave the house then! Feh!

Breakfast was half a grapefruit and two scones. And Ubiquitous Tea.

As long as I'm home, I might as well make lunch. I should try to bring it with me though and not eat it before 11:00 when I leave. It will be veggie sausage and broccoli on past with a cream sauce.

Dinner was chili, corn muffin (by which I mean muffins with corn in them, not cornmeal, which I forgot to buy) and beer.


edrie said...

ugh - we are OPEN

Teru said...

I've still got an hour before I need to leave and I am WIRED on tea. I've had almost the whole pot (and peed like 1000 times).

It looks like half the office has decided not to come in at all. I'm trying decide if they'll believe me if I say I have to stay home because the cat has a snow day.