Wednesday, March 18, 2009

No, I wasn't eaten by doughnuts

But it felt like it!

We had a brunch at work in honour of our facilities staff and there was a ton of food leftover, much of which ended up right outside my office. Sigh.

I'm better today though having breakfasted on grapefruit, onion soup and bread and tea. Lunch was a salad and water with some Smartfood as a snack.

Dinner was pizza that was too salty and too much beer (to quench that salt thirst). And an argument with random guy sitting next to me who was upset that we were going to be a "socialist country" even though he had no idea what socialism was. I tried to get him to define it several times (it was getting to be a game) but he couldn't so didn't try and would instead bring up anecdotes about England (which I pointed out was not a socialist country.) My dinner took an extra hour because of this!


edrie said...

WTF - that is the SECOND argument i heard about that happened yesterday about socialism - Walter had one too with a FB "friend" who was upset that we were becoming socialist - and yes, she didn't know what it was...

Teru said...

The argument progressed from there to the point where the bartender thought about stepping in. He told me (after the guy left) that he thought I could handle myself, but if I want help in the future to give him a signal!