Monday, March 16, 2009

Back to work

I mostly at granola, rissoto and seitan over the weekend, with copious amounts of beer thrown in for good measure. I've been able to maintain my weight for a while now, which is good, but really need to start thinking about exercise to start losing some of this weight.

Spouse has decided to limit when he eats (he's tried this before) to somehow help his sleeping pattern. He said he will not heat after 6:00pm, which means we will never have dinner together (and "too fucking bad" to any complaints I raise on that.) What he really needs is to see the doctor again (so do I) and maybe get a different perspective from her (or perhaps she'll agree with him.) His heart has been giving him trouble, so I really want that to get checked out before he does anything drastic. I think much of his problems are coming from not having structure in his day, but what the hell do I know.

This morning's breakfast was half a white grapefruit! The co-op just has them all in a bin labelled "Grapefruit" and they have invariably been pink when I've bought them, but this time there was a nice, tart regular one in the mix! Also had a bowl of fruity granola with spy milk and the Ubiquitous Tea.

Lunch was veggie lasagne and salad with Russian dressing with a bottle of water (I'm on my third bottle for the day.) I also had a snack of Smartfood, which I really didn't need because I wasn't hungry, I just wanted the taste (a bit of emotional eating going on.)

I bought lots of things for soup tonight, although not a much as I planed as things started getting heavy. I made a big pot of spicy vegetable soup and corn muffins for dinner, which was very tasty, and washed it down with beer.


edrie said...

Um - you know everything - he needs to eat 3 meals a day - go to bed at THE SAME TIME every day (as much as he can) and get some physical activity

PS: I don't know where we will move yet

Teru said...


But on the homefront, I think I'll start by making some nutritious soups and maybe some not as bad for one desserts to keep around the house for him to eat when I'm not there.

edrie said...

It's a start!!!