Monday, January 14, 2008

Sorry about missing the weekend

I couldn't be bothered. But I did make some DELICIOUS bleef with broccoli and Kung Pow clicken last night for co-op.

1 small peach
tea with soy milk
coffee with soy milk
plain low fat yoghurt with banana

Avocado and cucumber sushi
small salad with NO dressing

Afternoon snack:
toast with honey

I had another bilious attack today (and yes, it feels silly to write this when the only person reading it drove me home) while at work. Boss Man drove me to the health center and I narrowly avoided vomiting in his car. The attack was over fairly quickly but it's just making me dread another one.

The doctor who saw me is trying to get me in to the surgical consult a week early just to get this over with. It helps I think that she saw me when I came in to the center and just what kind of condition I was in (I looked *just* like the severe pain face on the "Are You Having Pain" charts). She told me to eat only bland foods and no fats at all (okay, so honey isn't bland, but it's not fatty either) until this is over, but also gave me one neat little trick to try if I have another attack: pineapple. She said it's anecdotal, and that I shouldn't tell the surgeons because they'd think it was crazy, but she's had several patients say that eating pineapple relieves an attack. So I bought five cans on the way home :)

plain rice
canned pineapple
Really fucking exciting, eh? Tomorrow will be beans on toase as the Heinz beans are fat free.


edrie said...

yeah - it was one of those kinda weekends

MMM that coop dish sounds divine!!! I wish we could have made it back in time

Teru said...

Both recipes are keepers. If the prep work wasn't so bad, I'd make them more often. And the Kung Pow recipe did not involve deep frying, so it was a lot healthier than restaurant versions.