Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring has Sprung

The weather is getting warmer and it just cries out for long walks to be taken (yes, weather cries out to me.) We went for a walk down to the water on Friday and then out for a pub meal, which was just wonderful (the walk, not the meal. The meal was just okay.) Spouse went out hiking on Saturday while I stayed home and did grading and then went down the pub for a bit. We decided that walks would be our things, and, even better, it's getting to be the time of the year for Snack-feasting!

Our first official snack-feast meal was last night. Snack-feasting for us is when we lay out a table full of what one might consider appetisers (bread, garlic oil and caprese salad feature prominently) and then munch our way through in an unhurried fashion. Last night's feast was gingered asparagus, pan-roasted sprouts with garlic and pine nuts, steamed artichoke with dijonaisse dipping, tomato and mozzarella, olives, bread and garlic-herb oil. I somehow managed to drink an entire bottle of wine over the course of the evening though. V Bad!

This morning the snack-feasting continued with us having grapefruit, papaya and veggie sausage on home-made English muffins. A rather huge meal, but at least we won't be snacking on junk all day!

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