Thursday, April 16, 2009

Huh. Where did Wednesday go?

Well, it's Thursday now, so let's just start in. I ran very late today but somehow made in to work two minutes before start time. Showered, made tea and cooked an asparagus and Smart Bacon omelet this morning, which took a lot of the time, then setting my hair while eating took much more. I would have made it out earlier if I hadn't then spend 10 minutes trying to find my mp3 player that the cat had made off with. The thought of commuting without it was just too ghastly!

I should do a quick recap of what I had yesterday, I suppose. Breakfast was a veggie sausage and tea. Lunch options in the cafeteria were slim so I went for the salad bar even though that was pretty much full of leftovers. One of the leftovers was the couscous from Molly Katzen's visit though, so that made a nice topper on the salad. I broke down and had non-food from the vending machine in the afternoon in the form of a Milky Way. Not satisfying at all. Dinner was pizza and beer and then the last of the jelly beans at home.

Speaking of pizza, I still have store-bought dough at home and will probably make pizza for dinner tonight. We have mushrooms, asparagus and spinach, which should make something reasonably healthy. I need to go shopping soon for more flour to get our bread production back up. The pizza dough I made on Sunday was very nice (I didn't get to taste the finished product) and I thought it might be nice to make some whole wheat dough to keep in the freezer for occasional pizza nights at home.

I'm about halfway through In Defense of Food right now, and while it's not really telling me much that I didn't know in terms of what we should eat, it's still really shocking to see the extent of corruption of our food because of lobbying groups and how our diet has changed because the food we grow is made to be cheap and transportable. It's making me really wish we'd bought a CSA this year, but it may be too late to get one at this point.

Lunch today was quickly gobbled before running up to a video shoot at work. The food place in the lab building has premade salads and I got a spinach and berry salad, using only about a tablespoon of dressing. For dessert - yes, I got dessert - it was chocolate pudding. A fizzy water was consumed over the next hour and a half while I did the shoot.

No pizza for dinner as Freddie made it up for his lunch. He was still full when I got home, so I made red beans and rice for myself.

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