Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Back at work

It's 83 degrees in the office. People keep asking how I'm feeling because I took the day off (and two people are still out) and all I can say is, "Sweaty!" I climbed up on the sill to open my window and they just opened the door to the outside, but it's still too hot.

I couldn't get to sleep last night, so I hope I can make it through the day. I've got section tonight too and need to write my notes. Breakfast was grapefruit and tea.

Lunch was a giant honkin' sandwich and water.

Dinner was salmon salad and beer at John Harvard.


edrie said...

ugh - sounds horrid!

Teru said...

The open window hoped a lot. I've actually closed it now.And I'm still reasonable awake!

Fortunately, all I have to do in section tonight is talk about ways to plan creation of a site. Yea!