Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Grapefruit and tea again this morning.

I heard an interesting thing on diet books on NPR this morning. Someone has come up with a writer's diet that, apart from the eat-less-exercise-more advise that everyone should follow, suggests writing for 20 minutes every morning to keep yourself on track. I'm such a slug that I don't know if I could manage it since it would mean getting up on time in the mornings! But I've managed to incorporate eating in the morning, even if I haven't had more food lately (and I should get back to having cereal or egg and toast), so perhaps I could manage writing, even if it's only updating my other blog.

Snacked on Smartfood from the vending machine. I really need to make bigger breakfasts to avoid getting so hungry late morning.

Lunch was rice, tarka dahl and salad with Russian dressing. And water.

Dinner was a cocktail, pizza with gorgonzola, carmelized onions and figs. And then a glass of wine.


edrie said...

hummm will have to try that - the tick in the morning is protien - the more you have the less hungry you are later

Teru said...

I've been reading 'In Defence of Food' and am now convinced that there is no trick to anything at all ever in regards to food!

edrie said...

Right! I'm reading Eat to Live - more of the same thing everyone knows

eat less, move more - though this one has opinions on WHAT you should eat less of, which seem to be common sense as well.... but my god is it preachy

Teru said...

Hmm. I might have to read that. Not to take the advise, but because I'm curious.

So in addition to the book, I've been listening to The English Beat, whose political message is sadly still relevant today (maybe 'Stand Down Margaret' could become 'Stand Down Boris'). It's all gotten my teenage anger up! Or maybe it's the weather making me feel young again.