Monday, February 11, 2008

Back at work

The surgery went well and I'm trying my first day back at work. I'm exhausted already at 9:30, but I think it's mostly because I've been sleeping until 9:00 every day and not had to get out and be at work at the ungodly hour of 8:30.

Since getting the gall bladder out I've had butter, olive oil, cheese, two cupcakes, ice cream, and various and sundry delivery food. With NO PAIN! But now, back to being a good girl and logging things.

tea with non-fat soy milk
coffee with regular soy milk

garden salad with leftover tortellini with pesto
coffee with soy milk

A few spoonfuls of ice cream
iced tea (brewed, no sugar)
baked potato with trace of butter, topped with beans
tiny glass of cognac

1 comment:

edrie said...

Good for you!!! I hope you made it through the day OK - I basically slept 5 hours today (in addition to the 9 I had last night) Not feeling that much better but at least I can sit up without being dizzy!