Thursday, January 06, 2011


Before Christmas, and after my last doctor's appointment, I told Spouse nag me to exercise five days a week. The run up to and after Christmas were dead losses, but we did manage to come up with something that would work for us where I exercise for 30 minutes and he practices piano for 30 minutes (he's exercising too, but since that's not part of the deal I don't nag.)

I am happy to report that I have exercised every day so far this week (beginning Sunday) for a minimum of 30 minutes. I've even bought a new sports bra that actually WORKS so can do some of the more aerobic Wii Fit exercises. In fact, I have mainly been doing aerobics (since I CAN), but last night went for yoga and strength so I can mix things up a bit. I will probably incorporate some pilaties and/or belly dancing for more variety.

I can't say I've been looking forward to exercise (it has, after all, not even been a week), but I do feel so much better after I do it! It's just the forcing me to do it I still need help with . When I get home from work, the first thing I've been doing is getting into my workout gear before having a chance to sit down or prep dinner. I know that if I do anything else first I will kill any possible motivation. The trick for me seems to be just get it out of the way first thing (well, first thing in the evening as there's just no way I could do this in the morning.)

On the food front, I've been baking bread, made some more butter (not a particularly good batch this time, unfortunately) but have been using lots of veggies in dinner. Plus I've brought my lunch to work every day this week. I'd like to get the exercise to start being a habit before I try doing much more though. That said, I put on a skirt this morning that's usually a bit tight even with a waist cincher. This morning, no cincher, it zipped right up with a heavy shirt TUCKED IN! Maybe this exercise thing ain't so bad after all.


edrie said...

I love you Teru!

Teru said...

Aw, thanks!